Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Today was a crappy day. I wanted to do some pretty simple outside taping....lo and behold- SLEET. I decided not to waste the day and tried to do some test shooting inside- and since I don't have proper lights yet, I was just going to use fluorescents (6500 K). Went around town looking for the correct lights (and a small LCD monitor)-- didn't get home until 3 pm.
Discovered that I needed more lighting and that more than likely... I would have to shell out more dough for lights.

So, my nerves are a little frayed-- over something pretty stupid- money.

But it's not really the money... but the fact that I feel I have to "own" stuff in order not to depend on the "kindness of strangers". I'm sure that I could ask some folks around town to lend me some lighting equipment... but truth is I would feel awkward. I am not that close to people who could conceivably lend me said lights. Essentially I would feel awkward and like a user. And I don't want people who I admire thinking of me as a jackass user. So, I'm stuck with having to buy or kluge lights together.

It basically makes me feel a little alone.

But then I'm reminded of my friend...well... we'll call her Mrs. BerryTastic.

Mrs. BerryTastic has graciously agreed to let me use a relative's old dilapidated house for the denouement of my little project. It's an incredible gift for her to let me do this. I've known her for about 9 years and although we haven't always kept in touch-- she's been a complete angel these past few months since Gerald's death.

I suddenly don't feel so alone.

Thank you Mrs. BerryTastic !!!

I have to also thank the folks that have agreed to act in the project.
I won't name their names yet. But they are great people.
We will call them the Garzasteins. The Garzasteins are an incredible family I've known many years who have also helped me through times of need.

Thank you Garzasteins.... your badass photogenic selves will make this project kick MFing butt.

I've made myself happy now.

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